Published On : 04/Feb/2023 08:17:33 AM

Top 25 Selenium Interview Questions1) Can you explain how to iterate through test script options?Loop elements of the programming language can be used to iterate through alternatives in a test script; for example, in Java, the "for" loop can be used to type different test data in a text box./ in an array, test data collectingtestData = "test1," "test2," and "test3" in String[] format;/ iterate through each set of test dataselenium.type ("elementLocator", testData) for (string s: test data); 2) How can you create a customised html report in the hybrid framework using TestNG?There are three options available.Junit: With ANT TestNG's help: To get the HTML report, use the default.html file that comes with the programme. XST reports from ANT, Selenium, and Testng combinations are also available.Using XSL jar to convert XML material to HTML 3) How do you build an HTML test report from your test script?There are three ways to build an HTML test report.To get the HTML report, TestNG uses the inbuilt default.html file. XLST results from ANT, Selenium, and TestNG are also available.JUnit: With the assistance of ANTUsing XSL jar to convert XML material to HTML for our own bespoke reports