Published On : 04/Feb/2023 08:16:14 AM

Top 12 RPA uipath Interview Questions1) What is the difference between doing something while doing something and doing something while doing something?The difference between a while loop and a do-while loop is that a while loop checks the condition before looping. The do-while loop checks the condition after each statement in the loop has been executed. 2) What are the different kinds of robots?There are two categories of robots: 1) those that are supervised and 2) those that are not. 3) Describe the equipment required to read and send letters.The following are the tools needed to read and send email:Microsoft Outlook is a software programme that allows you toIBM Notes is a programme that allows you to keep trackGmailMicrosoft Exchange is a programme that allows you to send 4) What are the different types of click and type input methods?The following are examples of click and type input methods:The default technique isSend a message to WindowsCreate a type/key simulation 5) What is the role of Orchestration?A job whose responsibility is to orchestrate the execution of other jobs is known as an orchestration job.