Published On : 04/Feb/2023 08:15:36 AM

UiPath Interview Questions1) What is the add range in UiPath?The project development team can use UiPath append range to insert or change data in their existing workbook. It can be used to enter data from a workbook. The data will not be overwritten if the developer appends it to the existing data. 2) Describe how to use UiPath to generate variables.In UiPath, there are three ways to create a variable:The variable tab in the control bar is being used.The output column and the properties window are used.Choosing the Create variable option from the ribbon tab. 3) Describe how switches work.Switch activity is used to accept objects based on the values of the designated character. It makes use of the integral argument, which can be altered by choosing it in the properties panel.He was anticipating a certain argument type. 4) Describe the activity as it is taking place.When a status is valid, activity aids in the preparation of an activity.