Published On : 04/Feb/2023 08:13:40 AM

Python Interview Questions and AnswersQ.1. In Python, is indentation required? Why?In Python, indentation is required. Because it doesn't utilize curly braces, you'll need to indent code blocks evenly so that it knows what belongs in a block and what doesn't. This is a mistake: Q.2 What does PEP 8 stand for?The Python Enhancement Proposal 8 (PEP) is a Python-style guide. It includes coding rules and recommendations to assist make code more readable and consistent. Indentation, line length, blank lines, source file encoding, imports, string quotes, whitespace, trailing commas, comments, and docstrings, naming standards, and some programming advice are all included. Q.3 What is the purpose of the zip() function?This function combines objects by mapping related indices of several objects. After that, it returns a zip object. This is how it works: Q.4. What is the purpose of the swap case() function?The str class has a swap case() function that transforms uppercase to lowercase and vice versa.