Published On : 04/Feb/2023 08:12:10 AM

Selenium Interview Question and Answers1) What are the WebDriver-supported Mobile Testing Drivers?WebDriver supported "mobile testing drivers" are:AndroidDriverIphoneDriverOperaMobileDriver 2) What are the popular programming languages supported by Selenium WebDriver to write Test Cases?Selenium WebDriver supports the below languages to write Test Cases.JAVAPHPPythonC#RubyPerl 3) What's the difference between keyboard shortcuts and keyboard commands?In most circumstances, TypeKeys() will produce a JavaScript event, whereas.type() would not. 4) What's the difference between the commands "type" and "type and wait"?The "type" command is used to enter keyboard key values into a software web application's text box. It can also be used to choose values from a combo box, whereas the "type and wait" command is used when you finish typing and the software web page begins to reload. This command will wait for the page of the software program to reload before proceeding. You must use a basic "type" command if there is no page reload event when typing. 5) How do you distinguish between findElement() and find element()?findElement(): Using the provided "locating technique," is used to locate the first element on the current page. It gives you a single WebElement as a result.find elements() searches the current page for all elements using the supplied "locating mechanism." It gives you a list of web elements as a result.